Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Facebook friend poetry

A writer
for hire
this dame's
involves many games
being a devoted wife
wearing lots of hats
Who is she?

He was always very cool
in school
being part of the national guard
had to be hard
now that his married life has begun to start
there is happiness in his heart
who is he?

During the week of rest
he will be remembered as the best
always organized and there
for a question from anywhere
the new purple hue
makes his writing anew
who is he?

Through the years she has been a mother
with strength like no other
she makes her memories last
and learns from the past
you may find her out
with her little girl scout
who is she?

Although we have had a fight
it seems you are doing alright
your boys are splendid
your broken heart they have tended
you have learned you can do it all on your own
and like to sit next to your bonfire throne
who is she?

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