Thursday, July 1, 2010

random story plot

I woke up this morning with an idea for a story. I know I sound like Stephanie Meyer from Twilight. I think she was on to something with the dream inspiration. Anyway, here is the plot.

Two women travel across the united states. They sometimes get rides to places and sometimes have to travel on foot. In my dream, they were in Texas and met up with a restaurant owner named Cobb. Cobb gives them a hard time about being in Texas. He is supicious of their situation (he thinks they are gay). Of course, Texas is not known for it's tolerance in alternative lifetstyles. Anyway, one of the girls convincing Cobb to give them both a job to raise money to continue on their journey. They have been traveling since New York...blah...blah. This is what I have so far. What do you think?

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